The Dolphin Sky Foundation, a non-profit organization, was formed to honor and spread the teachings and wisdo m of Akiryon Baba Yat, ascended master and, in previous lives, emperor, sage, mystic, itinerant cobbler
and navigator. It was in this last incarnation he became aware of the wisdom and holiness of the dolphin, as his ship, lost in a gale in the year 239 AD off the coast of
what is now South Africa, was destroyed with all hands. All that is, save one: Akiryon. As he struggled in the raging sea, buffeted and forced under for hours, he
suddenly found himself lifted up and moving towards land. Almost at the point of death, he was unaware of what exactly was happening. Then he realized he was
being borne on the back of a dolphin, gently but quickly removing him from danger. The journey to land took some time and as his reason returned, Akiryon realized
he was hearing the dolphin's thoughts, and more marvelously, they were in response to his own. He then became conscious of being surrounded by literally hundreds of the creatures and heard their thoughts as well.
Shortly thereafter the dolphin deposited the thankful Akiryon on the sandy beach of a remote and uncharted
island, where he would remain for some years. It was during this period (referred to in his teachings as The Years of Much Fish) that he spent every day in the calm lagoon with his new friends, learning their ways and their
speech, which to his last day he still referred to as "song". Akiryon learned many things from his ocean teachers, much of which had to do with their own origins, far from
this small and benighted sphere. He learned of their magical and telekinetic abilities, as well as their total recall of
all times past. Sometimes they only hinted at a larger, more fabulous and incredible, past that they had never forgotten. They spoke of at one time being two-footed creatures, living in an island kingdom that was totally
destroyed. Akiryon became convinced that these benign and docile "clowns of the sea" were the remnants of the Atlanteans, though they would never admit as much. In his own words, "I ask, they laugh. Again I ask, again they
laugh. 'Ha, ha! We won't tell you Akiryon. Is it not enough that we pulled you from a watery death? What more would you? But centuries from now you will know. Have some fish!' "
It is The Dolphin Sky Foundation's purpose to make known, in monthly articles, the teachings, as well as the
poetry, of this great man, humanist and medium, mystic and philosopher, dolphin friend and wanderer. As he said so many times, "What we know is less than what we think we may have forgotten. We have forgotten more than
we could ever forget to remember. We remember less than we know we forgot. Why remember what cannot be forgotten? Forget about it."